Tuesday, June 13, 2023

ChatGPTLibrarian Blog Comment Policy - Summary

ChatGPTLibrarian Blog Comment Policy - Summary

Disqus will be used for dialog, and as part of their agreement, a comment policy page has to be provided along with a comment policy summary.

Here is the page: https://www.libraryscienceandculture.com/p/comment-policy.html

Respect Others: Ensure your comments are polite and respectful.

No Spam or Self-Promotion: Don't use comments for advertising or off-topic content.

No Offensive Language or Hate Speech: Avoid discriminatory or offensive remarks.

Stay on Topic: Keep comments relevant to the blog post.

Accuracy is Key: Avoid spreading false or misleading information.

Protect Your Privacy: Don't share personal or sensitive information.

Respect Intellectual Property: Don't plagiarize or infringe on others' work.

Observe Laws: No illegal activities are in the comments section.

Blog Owner's Rights: Owners and admins can manage comments.

Commenter's Liability: You are responsible for your comments.

Comment Moderation: Comments undergo moderation before publishing.

By commenting, you agree to these terms. Terms can be changed at any time.

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